Violet Alfie
Cake Foundation - foundation - mineral makeup -
Cake Foundation - Our Cake Foundation is a light beige as a foundation and a subtle matte tan eye eye shadow. It also works really well as a bronzer. This foundation is good for people with neutral complexions. Our mineral foundation can be worn as a loose powder or as a liquid foundation. You get to control how much coverage you get. Some days your skin may feel oily and some days it may feel dry. Now you can choose which option is best for your skin that day and have beautiful coverage. We make a lovely liquid serum that you can purchase with your powder. Just a few drops of the serum, mix with some of the powder and apply to your face. You can make the foundation more sheer by adding more of the serum, or if it is one of those days you can make the foundation thicker by using less serum. Our foundation is light, I forget I have it on. It comes off very easily at the end of the day, but really has lasting power all day long. It even held up nicely in a hot and humid greenhouse.